Lunch and Wine Tasting: Melen Winery

It’s impossible to adequately describe the amazing meal our host and members of her family served us: heaping plates of delectable mezes, salads, and those curiously flattened Turkish meatballs. Each course was complemented by a different and delicious wine.

Jim samples one of the reds

We were all in great moods by the time lunch concluded. A dessert of grapes and baklava finished it off. Heaven!

After this unforgettable lunch, Jimmy drove us down along the Sea of Marmara to the small town of Hosköy where Melen Winery sells their wines to the public from a small seaside shop. We eagerly gathered around for more tastings.

The logo of Melen Winery is inspired by the seal found on ancient amphorae discovered in local excavations. These clay pots were used years ago in the export and transport of wine and olive oil to far-flung places. The bottle of red I bought that day at Melen Winery was itself in the shape of an amphora and came in a cute cloth bag with little handles.

After our wine purchase, we wandered around a bit along the shady area that edges the sea, taking in the sights.

An old fashioned wine press

Colorful wine crates

Near the water, tables were placed here and there where one could sit and have tea (or wine?) and chat with friends.

Alp and the group thanked our host. Then carefully clutching our bottles, we climbed back onto the bus and sat back for another stretch of driving.

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