The Bus Rides the Ferry

From Gallipoli, we nosed downward to sea level. We were headed to the town of Cannakale, but there was a wide stretch of sea between it and us.

Jimmy expertly maneuvered us right onto a large ferry for the ride across the Dardanelles from Europe to Asia. With our bus safely secured, we left our seats and found places on the top deck of the ferry where we could watch our progress across the water.

These were the same waters where the last battles of the Peloponnesian War were staged in 400 B.C.E.

At the narrowest point of the straits sits the substantial town of Cannakale, where we landed. Back on terra firma at the harbor, we zoomed off towards our final destination of the day. We were actually just passing through Cannakale. Our long day would end at the town of Assos.

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