Ancient Sardis: The Gymnasium

I had to run across a wide, weedy field to catch up with the rest of the group. They were already there, staring up at an enormous building.

The gymnasium of Sardis

It was the gymnasium that was holding their attention and as I followed their gaze,  I could see why. We stood there a long time, craning our necks to view the impressive architectural details high above.

I noticed a variety of capital designs.

Craig actually lost his head over these amazing works of art!

We followed Alp “inside” the structure, even though there was no roof. This was where the baths had once been located.

These words appeared on a stone that bordered the baths

It’s a good thing that Alp herded us back into the bus because I could easily have disappeared through this arch, following an impulse to find out what was hidden beyond.

Safely back in my bus seat, I turned the images I had just seen over and over in my mind. I had heard the name Sardis before, but never knew about this archaeological site.

Sardis was magical. I loved it. And even though the ruins on the other side of the road were more, well, ruined, I liked them best. After all, they were for Artemis.

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